...The tree, the felt covers that lay all lazily onto the crumbled cobblestone ground. You say you want me, you say this isn’t right, but the truth to your helpfulness just ain't right. The feeling of loving tenderness nights the calling of your name with someone elses tunes. I got all day I got all night please come back like I said this just ain't right. Watched the way you smile crinkled all up not for me though for that other mess up. Dirty you got me all mixed up with the same old grooves that won't keep the worst in you. You, you, you, all my brain can hold tight, why would you disappear now knowing that I loved you and you the same right back that dark cloudy night. Fired back actually in a dispute over your ritualaity yelled forth with my help only you can feel the same with the blues eyes traveled tame for a moment you only see me, hold me, love me, but it ain't true because you do not feel for me, but your other flu stuck like sticky glue, gone your tales in the night whispered me out of fright so many long desperate sights without light, till dawn then your gone, gone, gone but it ain't you I'm worried about, no more all it is my big fat mouth glued shut from the feeling that rut in the stunt of your tanned skin, skinned out all over on the tiled floor...
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